

Murdered Patriots have been killed for decades. Killed for trying to unite people with love, or for speaking the truth about injustice. What a coincidence that everyone on this list was trying to promote One Love, World Peace, Racial equality, etc. They all died at the doing of CIA controlled MK Ultra assassins, or CIA kill squads like Operation 40. Interestingly, Jose Perdomo was a member of CIA Assassin team Operation 40, who was in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963…AND was the doorman at the Dakota, the night John Lennon was murdered! It is a mathematical impossibility that this is a coincidence!

John F. Kennedy

Martin Luther King

Robert F. Kennedy

The Second Dallas Senator Robert F Kennedy RFK assassination documentary – (Confirmation Thane Eugene Cesar Killed RFK as CIA Handler of MK Ultra victim Sirhan Sirhan)
JFK Assassination – Robert Kennedy Jr. Reveals His Investigation of the Case
(Fascinating!!!…and he nails it! CIA and the Mafia killed JFK…and Sirhan Sirhan was an MK Ultra puppet of the CIA…and didn’t kill Robert F. Kennedy! Thane Eugene Cesar, another CIA asset did!)

Bob Marley

Neil Bush Met Bob Marley Days Before He Died? John Judge – The Bush Family 1988 – Neil Bush of the Evil Bush family visited Bob Marley, posing as a Rolling Stone reporter. It is said the reporter gave Marley a pair of new running shoes. Marley felt a sting when he put his shoe on. He died of Cancer 3 days later. (Not one bit surprised that Neil Bush was involved. Neil Bush was also friends with John Hinkley Jr….Lennon’s CIA patsy.)

The CIA and the assassination of Bob Marley (VIDEO)

John Lennon

The Murder of John Lennon by CIA Operation 40. By Gualdo Hidalgo

KILL THE MESSENGER: Compelling evidence points to CIA Assassin, Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo, as Lennon’s killer

Aaron Russo

Isaac Kappy – Red Shoes, Chrissy Teigen, Tom Hanks, Wayfair, Isaac Kappy

Isaac Kappy last video before his death – Hollywood, satanism, pedophilia
Isaac Kappy death defying revelations…
Isaac Kappy and JFK Junior ~EYE OPENING

Ted Gunderson

Ted Gunderson – A Message to Americans

Chip Tatum – Black Ops Interview with Ted Gunderson
FBI, 911, Ted Gunderson, MK-ULTRA, WTC, bombing


Chris Cornell

Chester Bennington

Anthony Bourdain

Paul Walker